
Flick Pest Control offers various pest control and electrical services in and around Port Elizabeth and surrounds as well as the country areas.

Pest Control

  • Woodborer certificates

  • Fleas, cockroaches and bird lice control

  • Bird proofing

  • Weed control

  • Fish moths

  • Bedbugs

  • Ants

  • Tick control

  • Bee removal

  • Rodent control

Electrical Contractors

  • Electrical certificates

  • Electrical installations

  • Electrical repairs & maintenance

  • Geyser repair

  • Residential and industrial maintenance

  • Electrical inspections

HACCP - Food Safety Plans


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point, or HACCP, is a system which gives a common sense approach to the safety management of food products. The system is designed to identify and control hazards which might occur anywhere in the food processing operation. By hazards we mean anything which has the potential to cause harm to the consumer.

HACCP is becoming increasingly important for all food businesses as an effective means of ensuring food safety and as a means of complying with new legislation. HACCP as an approach and philosophy can be applied to all sections of the food and drink manufacturing, distribution, retailing and service industry.

Adoption of a HACCP based safety management system demonstrates “due diligence”. Hazards are identified at every step in the food production process and asking “what could go wrong?” resulting in the production of unsafe food. We then go on to determine where controls must be put into the process to stop the hazards from causing problems. These are the Critical Control Points.

The primary objective of safe food production can then be achieved by managing the Critical Control Points effectively every day.